The Holy Days of the New Order

The following list of 14 dates has been proposed by Comrade S.L. as a yearly religious calendar for the NEW ORDER. Before the Central Office makes its own comments on the list, we would like to hear from our supporters. Please send your feedback to either our post office box or the email address listed on the Frontfighter site.


January 22:

·         ANTICIPATION. Start of an 88 day period of introspection, reflection and resolution. Also on this day Matt Koehl was born in 1935.

January 30:

·         DAY of VICTORY. Celebration of our first major political win in 1933

February 23:

·         DAY of the BANNER. Martyrdom of Horst Wessel in 1930.

March 8:

·         RESSURECTION. Lincoln Rockwell restarts the Movement, American Nazi Party, in 1959.

March 9:

·         DAY of the HERO. George Lincoln Rockwell is born in 1918.

April 20:

·         ADVENT. Birth of the Führer in 1889

·         ADVENT SUNDAY. First Sunday after April 20. Beginning of the National Socialist New Year.

April 30:

·         IMMOLATION. Freewill death of the Führer in 1945.

August 5:

·         CONFIRMATION. Founding of the World Union of National Socialists in 1962

August 16:

·         WITNESS. Martyrdom of Rudolf Hess in 1987.

August 25:

·         RESOLUTION. Martyrdom of Commander Rockwell in 1967.

September 16:

·         COMMENCEMENT. The Führer begins his mission, German Workers Party, in 1919

October 10:

·         DAY of the DISCIPLE. Matt Koehl completes his Earthly mission in 2014.

November 9:

REMEMBRANCE. In 1923 the Sixteen Martyrs of Munich fall. The Munich Massacre.

December 20

·         DAY of RELEASE. The Führer is released from Landsberg prison in 1924.