A Life of Duty: A National Socialist Paradigm


By Steve Kendall

Gerhard Lauck is a National Socialist revolutionary leader. He single-handedly has created the largest supplier of National Socialist propaganda in the world. Germany especially has seen more National Socialist activism from the 1970’s on. The NSDAP/AO is the premier organization that has newsletters and flyers in 25 different languages in 30 different countries. www.nsdapao.org. He has translated 200 Third Reich books to English. www.third-reich-books.com

The NSDAP/AO was founded in 1972 for the purpose of providing the National Socialist underground in Germany with propaganda materials. (National Socialist activity and literature are illegal there.) Official German government reports have repeatedly identified the NSDAP/AO as by far the largest supplier of National Socialist literature in Germany. Numerous books about “Neo-Nazism” in Germany mention the NSDAP/AO. And the NSDAP/AO was featured prominently in the internationally distributed documentary Wahrheit macht frei! (Truth Makes Free!) produced by Swedish television. When the Berlin Wall fell, the National Socialist movement in Germany – and with it, the NSDAP/AO – experienced a massive growth. Since then, the NSDAP/AO has expanded into a global propaganda machine with publications in ten languages: English, German, Danish, Swedish, Hungarian, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

At age 19 Lauck established the National Socialist German Workers Party Development and Foreign Organization, NSDAP/AO, as a provider of propaganda materials to the German public. For over 50 years he alone has built an information machine of unparalleled success. The enemy is very afraid of the capabilities of the NSDAP/AO as well they should be. The Jews cannot silence the word of the Führer and the race saving message of National Socialism.

As a political trailblazer Lauck plays a crucial role in fostering group dynamics by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each Comrade who promotes National Socialism within the NSDAP/AO. By delegating tasks effectively and managing emerging conflicts Lauck has mastered the Führerprinzip and its responsibilities. He also promotes collaboration and ensures that everyone is on the same page to accomplish the NSDAP/AO goals.

Gerhard Lauck, as a righteous leader, displays integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, compassion, and resilience. An essential part of what makes Lauck a dynamic leader is his setting of the right example. His leadership is invaluable.

The Jews fear Lauck so much they were behind the illegal kidnapping of him from Denmark in 1995 and delivering him to the neo-Marxist German government. After a show trial in violation of both U.S. and international law this action resulted in international solidarity and even greater support. Lauck spent the next four years in a German rat-hole prison system solely for publishing a newspaper IN AMERICA under the supposed protection of the First Amendment!

Here is this man, this National Socialist, who has dedicated his entire life as a disciple of Adolf Hitler and a freedom fighter for political rights of the Aryan race. A Comrade who suffered in the Jewish Gulag of Germanys prison system for 4 years. Lauck has said we are the torchbearer generation. This means that it is our task to keep the National Socialist Idea alive for the next phase soon to come, when the masses of our people will again be receptive to the concept of White Victory. That time is just around the corner, as Americans reach the end of their patience with Negro savagery and economic chaos. Millions of Hungarians, Croats, Slovenes, Romanians, Poles and even Russians are awakening to the Jewish bacillus and beginning to look to we National Socialists for leadership.

Lauck has stated that our purpose is the defense of the White race. Our worldview called “National Socialism” is based upon the laws of nature and the lessons of history. Our two highest values: Race and Nation. Our goal: White Power! Our method: Legal, non-violent political activism in countries where our movement is “legal.” Non-violent underground activism in countries where our movement is “banned.” Our tools: National Socialist propaganda material and, above all, each National Socialist activist. Our vow: The fight goes on!

Only a courageous leader such as Gerhard Lauck with the guts to stand toe to toe with the enemy could lead the NSDAP/AO and Laucks example is one to be acclaimed. He is one of the most admirable National Socialist leaders of our current time. It is an honor to call him “Comrade.” To quote the NSDAP/AO motto “Together We are Strong!

Laucks emotional intelligence, compassion, and the ability to inspire greatness in his Comrades and other National Socialist organizations is the life force of revolutionary activism.