Q: Are you a political party?
A: We are not a political party, but a spiritual body representing a revolutionary, new faith—an alternative religion for those who are no longer able to accept Judeo-Christian dogma.
Q: Why do you use the Swastika?
A: We use this sign because it is the emblem of God, whose cause we embrace.
Q: Are you Nazis?
A: No, we are not “Nazis,” neo- or otherwise. We are followers of Adolf Hitler—National Socialists.
Q: What is National Socialism?
A: National Socialism is simply the application of the laws of Nature—the operating laws of God in this universe—to human affairs. As such, it incorporates a specific and special call to Aryankind.
Q: Do you believe that whites are a master race?
A: No, we do not. If whites were a true master race, they would act like one and not try to imitate other races. They would not go around with a guilt complex, feeling ashamed and sorry for what they are.
Q: Why do you appeal only to white people?
A: Our ministry is directed to white people, because they happen to be the most decadent race on Earth today. More than any other, they have forgotten the laws of Nature and allowed their wonderful potential as images of God to be squandered. As such, they have special need of Adolf Hitler’s race-saving message.
Q: What are the laws of Nature?
A: The laws of Nature are the laws of life, the sovereign laws of God, by which this universe operates and is governed. Chief among these are the laws of diversity, dynamism, hierarchy and order.
Q: Do you believe that Hitler was a god?
A: There is but one God—one great Primal Power, infinite and eternal—whom we worship. We are all incarnations of this God. Once in thousands of years, however, a singular and unique figure appears, whose special purpose it is to declare anew the divine will and to redefine human history, and who in so doing becomes a universal symbol. That providential incarnation in modern time was none other than—Adolf Hitler. With His appearance a new age on Earth has begun.
Q: If Hitler is a special incarnation of God, why did He lose the war?
A: Hitler didn’t lose the war. Those who lost—and will ultimately lose—are all those who have opposed Him. Adolf Hitler’s death and resurrection were foreordained by Providence—as part of a higher destiny which He Himself announced. The fact is that Hitler’s struggle, His war—God’s Holy War—is not over, but has only begun. It will continue until the final victory of His cause has been secured.
Q: Are you recognized by the government?
A: As a bonafide religious body representing the manifest will of God here on Earth, we neither seek nor require recognition or sanction by any state or government. Those governments which align themselves with this higher will shall prosper and be blessed. Those which oppose it shall be destroyed.
Q: Does this mean you engage in illegal activity?
A: No, it does not. We are a religious body of faith and devotion. As such, we act in strict conformity with existing law, to the extent that it does not violate the higher moral law of God. Our battle is not one of illegal activity or criminal conspiracy, but one of winning hearts and minds. We shall overcome evil with good.