Where White People Stand in a Marxist Democracy


1945 was the year international Communism triumphed and this could not have come about without the support of the United States of America. White America, as the nation we knew, died in 1945 and commenced to decay along with Western civilization. Since then, a program of worldwide destruction directed towards all White nations, and nations controlled by White people, was introduced by the Marxists in the United Nations, in the churches, the schools and universities.

White America's first recognizable jolt came with the school integration of 1954 where primitive low I.Q. Negros were supported by armed troops against the popular position of what we used to know as "the majority." It was "party crashing" on a gigantic scale. The majority obviously did not rule anymore unless the majority was non-White as in the case of African countries. (Many people support majority rule in South Africa but oppose it in the United States. The common denominator here is the anti-White position.) The results of a popular vote were over-turned by judges if that vote supported White wishes. It has been so ever since. We now live in a Marxist Democracy.

The loss of control affected the American White male the most. Sixty years ago, if a man caught his wife with another man, she'd be lucky to escape with all of her teeth in place and the man, with his life. Today, one stern glance is cause to call authorities alleging "abuse" of some variety. If your child burns down the house and you smack his rump as a result, the "law" will be sniffing around for proof of "child abuse". But what is this thing called "law" anyway?

Law is a set of rules designed by, and agreed to, by lawyers generally for the benefit of lawyers -- a privileged class sort of thing. When was the last time you voted on a proposed law of any substance? Most lawyers have effeminate backbones, which are only stiffened by support from their own mob, (They do insist we 'obey the law' -- their law! Men -- that means the serfs -- are not above the law. What a nifty way to control the sheep.) People are drawn to the law business -- it's not much else -- because they wish to control others 'legally' (read: in SAFETY according to THEIR rules) but their endowments are so feeble that they could not do this on their own merit. Thus, the law becomes the refuge of the weak and envious -- the classic Communist appeal. Envy directed toward the naturally superior is the driving force of Communism. The inferior always unite to destroy the superior. "Oh," you might say, "the laws are made by the majority of the citizens." I won't waste my time in response to this bit of adolescent delusion. Anti-White bias and regulations are now commonplace.

Communist notions have always been more appealing to women than to men. That's why the "party" always directs most of its propaganda towards them. To destroy a racial nation, one begins by destroying the family and since the male is the nucleus of the family, then it becomes obvious who the real target is. The current hot air relative to "restoring family values" is just that -- political gas. (More destructive gas is issued daily from our Congress than ever escaped from 6,000,000 punctured cans of Zyklon B.)

Family values are only the external manifestation of the inner values of those who comprise the Aryan family. National Socialism defends the Aryan family as it builds the Folk. It’s the struggle of a lifetime.