Who Needs Niggers? Propaganda or Fact?
The Frontfighter has a policy of not using common popular identifiers when referencing political/religious issues. But as a purely investigative point of view we ask the question in the title.
Way back in the 1970’s the National Socialist White Peoples Party had one of their propaganda stickers asking a simple question: “Who Needs Niggers?” You know, I’m a National Socialist by education anyway. I don’t associate with Negroes. They all give me a pain and the more of them I see, the less and less I like them. Particularly the new kind of mouthy fast talking neo-Marxist drug induced idiots holding degrees from Marxist woke universities.
There is a significant and consequential difference between reading racial facts in a text and having the facts verbalized aloud. In a text, they can be read and processed in one’s own voice. When verbalized, the racial integrity is given life and voice, is energized, heard, embodied, and experienced in a public way that creates a necessary racial awareness.
The purpose of this article is to clarify under what circumstances the use of marginalizing language may and may not be considered a norm. As a point of reference in 1996 Chris Rock, a Negro comedian, hosted a Home Box Office (HBO) special, Bring The Pain. Rock drew huge laughs from the mostly colored audience with his rant about the difference between Negro people and Niggers. Rock said: "Who's more racist: black people or white people? Black people. You know why? Because we hate black people too. Everything that white people don't like about black people, black people really don't like about black people. It's some shit going on with black people. It's like a civil war going on with Negro people. And there's two sides: there's the black people, and there's niggers. And niggers have got to go."
Leading etymologists believe that “nigger” was derived from an English word “neger” that was itself derived from “Negro”, the Spanish word for black. Precisely when the term became a racial identity is unknown. We do know, however, that by early in the 19th century “nigger” had already become a familiar definition. In 1837, in “The Condition of the Colored People of the United States; and the Prejudice Exercised Towards Them,” Hosea Easton observed that “nigger” is an acute critical term, employed to impose definition upon the Negro as an untermensch race. The term itself is perfectly harmless when it’s used only to distinguish one race from another.
Negro people are aggressive, especially towards White folk. and are seen as irredeemably violent, rude, and lecherous. This is due to their illiteracy and upbringing in a rundown neo-Marxist community where crime is rampant and fathers are missing so being aggressive is their way of being defensive, but this acts as a double edge sword. Hence why fights are always breaking out at a Waffle House and BLM is seen as a scam. It’s in their blood, their degenerate race.
With the crime, filth, government dependency in Section 8 housing, food stamps and a sub-human culture that breeds racial froth I ask you…Who Needs Niggers?
If any Leftist, Communist, Marxist or any other Jewish structured philosophy attacks our race we shall stand and defend it!