A White Persons thoughts for the week
Life offers no Guarantees -- only the opportunity to Struggle
Weekly editorials from the Aryan Proletariat. We welcome your input and thoughts. This is a voice for our Folk community.
This short commentary changes every Friday.  Articles are not archived.
Dr Goebbels exposes the spiritual enemy.
Commander Rockwell's thoughts

The Myth of Christianity


5-1-24 (135) Religions are the outcomes of civilization. They are not the causes. The Egyptian example is illustrative: First came Egyptian civilization; then the pyramids. Egyptian civilization did not fall because they ceased building pyramids. The cessation of pyramid-building resulted from the decline of Egyptian civilization. The same distinction between correlation and causation applies to other religions and/or ideologies.


Christian means "follower of Christ". Using that definition, it isn't a religion. Considering that, it kind of seems a little wrong to call Christianity a religion. Christianity is a propaganda block of Jewish origin. Christianity is a religion for hypocrites. People who do terrible things then go ask for forgiveness so they can feel good about themselves until they go to the dreadful things again and then they can go and ask for forgiveness again.


The ‘Christians’ in America who are the most vocal and attention-seeking tend to exhibit atrocious values and behaviors completely counter to the teachings of Jesus, which Christianity is ostensibly based on.


This very public and persistent hypocrisy over decades has given Christians a very bad reputation – which is more negative than positive in the eyes of National Socialists. Probably because so many of them are utter and complete assholes during the week and pray for forgiveness on a Sunday and then continue to be assholes the next week. I have never met a non-judgmental Christian. Christianity has no backbone. That’s why Christianity and National Socialism are totally incompatible. It’s not so much that Christians have an image problem. It’s far more likely that they have an integrity problem.


Modern Christianity is often a complex minefield of theology, doctrine, practices, and expectations, where individuals carefully walk on eggshells to avoid a litany of “sins” and “heresies” that will inevitably attract the wrath from religious friends, strangers, and authorities. All in preparation for the ethereal home in the sky. It doesn’t take much to get burned out on the Christian faith when churches are filled with stern rules, authoritarian doctrines, and manipulative Red propaganda — promoting a wide variety of Jewish-Marxist political agendas that have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with attacking the Aryan family unit and the reputation of the White race.


National Socialism, as a religion and in it’s purest form, builds a heaven on earth through Folk consciousness and racial idealism. We honor the blood of our Folk as Gods blessing is bestowed. To keep sacred the race is an appreciation of the Nuremberg  Decrees of September 15, 1935. These holy laws do not expire.


Love your race and build the Folk to link to the Almighty and ensure the racial survival of the White race. Build a better future for our Aryan youth living the peaceful National Socialist lifestyle. Racial peace be with you.