A Religious Revolution: Aryan Independence and the Birth of the National Socialist Religion
1-17-25 (135) Between 1450 and 1750, philosophical and political ideas were changing rapidly throughout the world. The Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Protestant Reformation all took place during this time period, and people expanded their worldviews as they gained knowledge of new concepts and accepted new ideas. These revolutions of thought were the creative genius of the Aryan Man. In the 1920’s a new religion was born out of the White racial disconnect and Jewish moralities that plagued the world. This religion is called National Socialism. It is a political-religious order of Aryan morals and an appreciation of the Laws of Nature that we honor.
The late nineteenth century was an age of grand ideas and great expectations fueled by rapid scientific and technological innovation. In Europe, the ancient authority of church and crown was overthrown for the volatile gambles of Jewish Marxism, democracy and the capitalist market. If it was an age that claimed to liberate women, slaves, and serfs, it also harnessed children to its factories and subjected entire peoples to its empires. Amid this tumult, another great change was underway: the religious revolution.
In 1919 the racial-religious creed of National Socialism gave the White race a chance to save itself from the poison of Jewish anti-race churches and Marxism. The sign of the holy Swastika gave Aryan man the virtues of Truth, Right, Order, Harmony, Beauty, Creativity, Fruitfulness and Good. The NEW ORDER sanctifies Adolf Hitler as the progenitor of Aryan racial salvation. Our race is our religion. Through Adolf Hitler we shall be victorious.